IDTechEx Show! returns to Santa Clara with a session dedicated to medical 3D printing

Written by Georgi Makin

The medical 3D printing session of 3D Printing USA 2018 includes talks from representatives of Anatomics (Melbourne, Australia), Advanced Solutions (KY, USA), Sutrue (Colchester, UK), University of the Pacific School of Dentistry (CA, USA) and Medicalip (CA, USA). IDTechEx Show! returns on 14—15 November 2018 in Santa Clara (CA, USA), hosting eight concurrent conferences including 3D Printing USA 2018. Through masterclasses, an exhibition and awards over 4 days around the main 3D Printing USA 2018 conference, the conference committee claim to cover competitive technology appraisal, hot topics and taboo for a wide range of topics within 3D printing - from...

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