Accelerating cell therapy development: Investigating the impact of increasing pump speed on the Dynabead removal process

When utilizing paramagnetic beads to isolate target cells in the development and manufacturing of cell therapies, effective bead removal is essential to ensure the final therapeutic is safe and efficacious by preventing residual bead material in the final product. Carrying out the bead removal process quickly is also essential as cell therapy manufacturing is extremely time-sensitive and increasing efficiency in this step can lead to shorter time to treatment and lower costs for both manufacturers and patients.

This White Paper explores how the bead removal process can be accelerated by increasing the pump speed of the Gibco™ CTS™ DynaCellect™ Magnetic Separation System and investigates how this impacts factors such as cell recovery, cell viability and residual bead numbers.

This content was supplied by Thermo Fisher Scientific.

White Paper Accelerating cell therapy development- Investigating the impact of increasing pump speed on the Dynabead removal process August 2023